Tech editing knitting patterns


Tech editing

I offer tech editing services for knitting patterns, ensuring they are clear, accurate, and error-free. Whether you’re a new or experienced designer, I can help refine your instructions and charts to create patterns knitters will love and trust.

Translating patterns

I offer translation services for knitting patterns between English and German. With fluency in both languages and an understanding of knitting terminology, I ensure your patterns are accurately and seamlessly translated for a wider audience.

About me

I’m Anaïs, a passionate knitter and tech editor dedicated to clarity and accuracy. With a love for all things yarn and a and a strong eye for detail, I specialize in helping designers create clear, accurate, and polished knitting patterns. My goal is to ensure your patterns are error-free and easy to follow, so knitters can enjoy the process and bring your designs to life.

When I’m not tech editing, you’ll find me experimenting with new knitting techniques, exploring colorwork, or sharing my knitting journey on Instagram @anais.knits. Let’s work together to bring your creative vision to purlfection!

Contact Me

If you’re interested in working with me, please don’t hesitate to fill out the contact form or email me directly at

I’m also happy to answer any questions you may have over Instagram, you can find me here: anais.knits